Shopping vs Playing Video Games?

Do you prefer to shop or play video games?

  • Shop!

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Video Gamessss!

    Votes: 17 68.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
May 12, 2017
I feel like this is a poll that will probably weigh over with playing video games since this is being asked on a site for ACNL, but I thought I would ask anyways! Do you prefer to shop or play video games?
I like both, I can't choose. I'm not giving up my gamer girl or my girly girl side.
Shopping is alright once in a while. I go shopping (other than grocery shopping) maybe twice a year. I don't really get the people who go to the mall every week.

I chose video games because they almost always sound like a good time.
I like shopping for video games, otherwise...Nah, I'd rather stay home and play games.

Shopping in video games is another thing though...I like buying all the clothing in Pokemon games, so yeah XD There goes all my Pokedollars.
Both are fun I guess, I love shopping vintage clothes and sometimes video game stuff if I'm after something old/limited. video games can be nice in small doses too though.

if it's a nice day, shopping. if it's rainy, cold, or hot & humid, video gaming
I voted shopping, but it's really almost 50/50, especially if you count online pet sim games as being sort of like a video game.
Video games for me!

I don't exactly spend my free time shopping about. whenever I do buy something, it's either too old to find in stores, or it cones from Japan. So I always buy online, unless I'm buying video games, in which case I go to Target (they always have groovy sales going on!).
I don't really play video games much anymore but I do enjoy exchanging money for goods and services sooooo :rolleyes:
Probably shopping more. As much as I like playing games, I need to be out and about or I'll go cabin crazy.
Playing video games by far. Unless I'm shopping for food or video games themselves, I don't like shopping much.
I like to shop for video games

Shoppings fun and all, but games are where the fun comes out of what you just shopped for so gaming is def better