If you're going to comment on my work, tell me what I did wrong. Don't insult it. I'm not going to improve when you're insulting it?
It's just that if you don't like something, it's usually nice to explain why, that's all. I want to improve.
Tbh I really hate Marshal, he's one of the worst villagers I ever had and he's totally overrated, but that doesn't mean that everybody else has to hate him too.
ThatOneMarshalFanGirl is allowed to be Marshals #1 fan, just like I can be SM64's #1 fan. :rolleyes:

Btw that emoji actually is rly good tho
I second the notion for a Bowser emoji. But the Marshal emoji looks cute. Nice job.
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Thanks for all the lovely comments! ;v; I honestly don't think I did too well, but I'm happy that people think it's good!
i'm a guy
but thank you!

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I was actually thinking of opening up a little emoji shop when I'm free of commissions.

That is acc a good idea :D!

u better do a bowser and incineroar ones because those are not a "i want" them , those are a " i need" them :lemon:
Thanks for all the lovely comments! ;v; I honestly don't think I did too well, but I'm happy that people think it's good!

how much would you charge for these? because depending on how much I will totally give you business
That is acc a good idea :D!

u better do a bowser and incineroar ones because those are not a "i want" them , those are a " i need" them :lemon:
It is a good idea. And yes, we have clarified that a Bowser emoji is much needed here.

Oh and plz plz plz make an N64 logo emoji omggggg I would love you forever:blush:
I'm really, truly awful at pixel art (and can't be bothered to make a 3D model of Bowser just to convert to pixel art), but here's something I quickly did in Photoshop for you, Taiko:

