
I have a few set to the current date, but one I set to spring and I find it's a nice escape. It gets me more "into" the winter ones somehow.

Edit: and completely by accident the days of the week between the winter and spring towns are what they are irl. Next time I set a town to a different season, I would definitely make sure the days line up. Just makes it easier for me.
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21 towns are currently being "Mayored". They are scattered over almost every month and time and provide access to everything I could need for museum, shopping, collecting or whatever. Yes, there are a LOT to herd around and keep current(?) but they don't require daily attention. Each is in its own DS and I keep a large Spiral notebook, for each, with all important information written down. Also, each has a 5X8 pad for daily use that has the date and times of the village plus anything of current interest. This allows me to know exactly where each exists in time. An example: I pick up #10, Nowhere and Mayor Nobody (real) write 6 Dec 0844. If the last entry shows that the last time it was played was, say, 15 Dec, I tell Isabelle to set the day to 16 Dec and there is no problem with what might happen in a longer interval. I do have some with the current date and time but a few are easy to keep track of. As each page of the small pad fills up, it is tossed since any milestone or important change is safely in the individual Spiral. Works for me.
I have 2 towns and try to play on both daily, but sometimes when I don't have time/will to do so, I choose one. Hangzhou is currently in november, and the clock is also a few hous back so I can play at night and shops will still be open, while Sundance is in real time. :)
I used to handle three towns, as I had two physical cartridges (with my main town I played on my 3DS and my second town I played on my 3DS XL) and a digital copy of New Leaf, that I play on my 3DS XL. During 2013, I managed to go on all three..but gradually over the years I stopped handling my digital copy town less and then my second town, so overall I focused on my 1st town.

Currently I am doing the reverse now, as on my 2nd physical cartridge I started a new town for the year challenge. I have focused on that town for the past six days and I haven't been on my 1st town properly for a while. Oh, however on my digital copy I deleted my previous town and currently have no save data on it...but I think I might make a new town on my birthday or soon...maybe...
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