This game needs an Auto Text mode


On Indefinite Hiatus
Apr 20, 2017
If you don't know what that mean, it means where you can activate the auto text and the game will put up the text buttons automatically where you won't have to push the A button. So the game will basically be talking to itself while you can do other things, like in my case, watch anime without having to keep pressing the button on the game to make the talking go fast. Would be useful for the LONG DRAWN out tutorials this game insist you do even if you've had this game for years and know how to play it. Especially useful for plot resetting. Would be a breeze instead of the 20 minutes it takes to talk to Isabelle, where she drones on, then to Tom Nook where he drones on, then to Isabelle again, where she continues to drone on.
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So like in Fe echoes SoV? In that Almost every line of text was voice acted and you could press X to make it fluently go from sentence to sentences
Well I don't know about that game, but Story of Season Trio of Towns has an auto text mode and it's a great mode.
They should just have a separate part of the game just for tutorials, to be honest. I don't understand why they have it where even if you create a new resident, they make you learn all the basics again.
Having a 'tutorial mode' or a 'tutorial town' would be pretty fun for new people too. I would have loved to see a sample town and see what my town could become. Doing different things would activate tutorials and give hints, etc... and you could just do this for however long you like until you decide to make your own town. I'd love that.
Reason #1 I have broken my resetting habit. The tutorials are ridiculous. I've played games where it was literally "good luck" and I had to figure everything out myself. In this game, first Isabelle tells you about shovels, then a villager tells you about shovels, then Timmy tries to teach you about shovels. Same goes for pretty much everything else. My favorite is when you're like 3 months in to your town and a villager tells you a random tip about hitting rocks or digging up fossils or something. Like no thanks leave me alone and go eat your fruit. Lol an auto text option would be fabulous.. or like how in The Sims you have the option to turn tutorials off.