Buying Card Series and this Item.


Vasea Mayor, Zenda Islander and Borelia Villager.
Jul 3, 2015
100% (189) +
Hey there!
I'm buying the whole card Series but i want some duplicates for some items in the set like:
-Card Tower x2
-Card Lamp x2
-Card Screen x2
-Card Shelf x2
Also, i'm buying a Shaved Ice Lamp.

I'm paying in TBT or IGB. Thanks for your time.

Edit: If you have Sweet Olives i'm buying 10.
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I have al of that, i have a sets shop as well as a link in my SIG to my warehouse shop.
All bushes and hybrids are 1 TBT each, the set is 12 TBT and the extra items are 2 TBT each. So 30 TBT total if you are interested VM me if you are.
I have al of that, i have a sets shop as well as a link in my SIG to my warehouse shop.
All bushes and hybrids are 1 TBT each, the set is 12 TBT and the extra items are 2 TBT each. So 30 TBT total if you are interested VM me if you are.

I PM you.