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  • Nah, it's fine. ^-^ Any luck getting villagers out? How many more do you need? (I'd assume it's only 1 or 2, since you got one out yesterday and before that your sig said 13/16.) Either way, as long as you can catch me before Friday (I'll be going to Disney and staying at a hotel, and since I'll be with my best friend, I probably won't come on much.) I'll be able to give him to you. ^-^
    Oh. XD I TTed to 6 AM; don't worry, I'm keeping him for you, I just wanted to give you a heads-up so I can get back to TTing. ^-^
    Hey, sorry to rush you, but do you think you could cycle through 16 villagers soon? Walker attempted a sneak-out, and Isabelle just told me he's leaving today. I'll loop 6 AM for a while, but I have a lot of other things I need to do, so I need to get him to you asap.
    Np! I know how it feels to lose villagers. I used to lose them all the time, but now I never do because I've pretty much perfected my TT techniques. I can send you some tips if you'd like? I haven't lost a villager in a loooong time.
    Hehe, I assume Francine is one of them? That's the thread I learned about you wanting Walker on.

    ^-^ Just let me know as soon as you've cycled through the last 3.
    Hey, I have Walker in my town, and I don't really need him. When you've cycled through 16, I'd be willing to trade him with you? ^-^
    I am. I don't tend to turn on wi-fi very often, but my gates will be open for part of the afternoon today (trying to get the train station upgrade and I have Katrina today).
    I tend to play in the eve too. I'm 2 hrs behind you (mst). I tend to be online anytime between 3 pm & 2 am, est depending on the day.
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