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  • Hiya, I'm online now - Not sure if you still are.. But IO hope so because I'm adding your FC right now and will get the bells ready for when you are available ^.^
    I totally understand that ^.^ Let me know when you're online - I'll be checking my VM's all day so we shouldn't have a problem catching each other
    Sorry for the late reply - It's been a hectic day - Tomorrow I'm hoping to be able to deliver all of the prizes that still need to be delivered
    Sorry about that. My internet acted up! Good thing you did get the umbrella tho! (or so I assume cause I don't have it anymore!)
    SOrry I was working at the time. I dunno if you're available rn, but if you aren't I'll try to get ahold of you tomorrow.
    SOrry for not answering quickly! If you're still there my gate is open and you can come by for your item. If not let me know when you can!
    wait they there to pick up room so so many pcik up its gets compelx Some times ,any ways there open spot
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