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  • well at least you can move on with time in your cycling town. does your fiance play acnl too? if i was going on vacation, i wouldn't bother keeping up with the date and i would just let it go. oh really? you have that long until you can change back? that is really convenient for really good prices.

    10mil is so awesome. you hate the whole process of finding joan, putting turnips away, picking up money and then repeating...then go through the opposite when you sell it, but it's so worth it when you see how much money you make. i don't think there's any better deal, but i feel like most pple don't buy 1mil worth of turnips. i usually only bought enough to fill up one section in my locker and just called it quits after that. probs gonna buy 2mil worth of turnips tomorrow again. really wish there was an atm at the store or even in the train station...it would make things sooo much easier.
    oh okay. thanks so much! i'll buy maybe 1-2 locker fulls tomorrow. just gotta do some TTing and make sure i finish it off on a sunday so i can buy turnips and if you need to buy more you can come.

    i'm actually really impressed you kept it for a month. i'd go crazy and just want to move on...i probs couldn't go more than a week. really?! i think that's how much i was able to put in with an empty inventory...but i also bought turnips at 101. hm...i actually don't know since i threw all the money in the locker since it would take too long going back and forth between the atm, locker and retail. i think in total i made somewhere like 20mil that day? being the nerd that i am...i think i just did the math and a full locker should make you 11.5mil? my math could be off on that though.
    aww i wish i saw this earlier and i would've ran to go buy turnips in the cycling town. darn it. thanks so much for the offer though. maybe next time i'll catch you. :)

    are you keeping your town on that day until you get close to your goal? ouch....can't buy off of a sub character? it's so hard even with a fully empty locker. i think i was only able to fit 1.5-2mil worth of turnips on my sub character.
    haha i def thought about buying more turnips in my cycling town, but i don't want to have them sit in my locker. i love getting rid of them asap. i'm probs still gonna buy turnips though even though i hit my 60mil break again. you halfway to your goal of 1bil yet? lol.
    I had forgotten my sister had given me an old laptop of hers that i only used for Microsoft word, but now i'm using it full time haha! : )
    School has had me so busy, i haven't played much A.C. to be honest. D: I'll be playing it like crazy for those two weeks when winter break starts though!
    Sorry Xan! I won't be able to get on very often because my computer died a couple of days ago, and how I have to use the phone. D :
    OMG YESS, please go see it!!! I was getting chills the whole time throughout the movie!! : 0
    There were also some cosplayers and I wanted to take pictures with them, but I didn't. I also saw some girls wearing lolita!!!
    Oh no Dx He's quite hard to find and he's one of my last two dreamies Dx

    Enjoy your vacation c:
    Hey. I see you have Beau up for offer, and I'm desperately looking for him :3
    I can offer an afternoon tea set, balloons, O'hare, Rooney, or 650K :3 I also have some villager pictures (Fauna, Merengue, Lolly, O'hare, Shari, Diana, Bill) and parts of the egg set.
    Thank you for letting me sell some c:

    I just have a my B locker to sell aha
    Thank you soo much!~

    Are you thinking of using the cartridge as a TT purpose one or make it into a permanent town? : o
    They have one in Seattle on the 9th! You might be able to go to that one! : o
    I hope you're able to go, that way we can both talk about it~
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