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  • Hello there! I'd just like to inform you that unfortunately, someone prior had already guessed Mew. Please feel free to edit your OP or repost with an updated guess! Thanks and good luck!
    buddy it takes time to pick up all these flowers and pack them away lol, i still need a couple minutes. I might opt out of bringing white/yellow because i don't have the space in my storage right now.
    okay so i was being sUPER stupid and I just figured it out- I just need to add your code and grab all my flowers, and then I can be over. it'll still be a few minutes to gather the stuff, I'm sorry
    heck, I'm sorry. we just moved and I didn't realize my DS was going to give me trouble with the internet. My friend's DSes connect just fine but mine is giving me error messages. I'm gonna need some time, I'm so sorry
    Alright, sure. I can bring over a bunch of flowers if we're going in your town. I'd do 250k per 9 flowers, does that sound okay?
    I'm sorry if I'm coming off as slow- are you saying you want to buy every flower I'm willing to sell? Because I have quite a lot, but I'd also rather not sell all my flowers haha. I'd let you take 10 gold + 15 of any other color rose (except blue), but I wouldn't really know how to price that.
    I can give you every rose you listed needing! 15 pink, 10 red (though you're welcome to take many more red haha), 10 gold, 10 orange, unless you needed more?
    yes please. I need the visitors for my train upgrade one day.... everything is laid out in front of the station. please drop the money before you pick up.
    Sure lets do the reds at 100k. I'll give you 5 orange tulips and 5 orange carnations at 35k for 350 000. So 450k? Also ill throw in those yellow roses and bush for free if you still need em
    25 red flowers comes out to 850,000? If you pay that much ill throw in some orange flowers for nothing cause I think thats to much for red...
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