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  • I have 10 villagers and I just had a villager unpacking today and I don't TT in my main town, so it's not likely I will have a spot in my town for another week or so. ^^'
    But I don't think you would have much trouble finding someone to buy him for 15mil.
    Haha, it's alright. I have a week off so staying up late isn't that much of a problem. So, you'll first visit my town to take away Gala, then I'll TT and pick up Cobb, right?
    Hiya, are you online? I'm sorry about the first 2 messages, I was still really sleepy hehe 8D I'd like to go back to sleep as soon as possible, so yeah ;w;
    Oh oops, I forgot your FC is on your profile. D: I added it. Mine's under my 'about me' on my profile as well.
    In how many hours will you be home? I'm having some trouble since idk if it's 9 hours from 6:30 or 8 am on x3
    Heyhey! After telling /literally/ every single one of my villagers not to move, after 3 hours, I've got Gala to leave! I've TTed her into boxes, so everything should be okay and you should be able to pick her up tonight!
    I'll set my alarm clock (as I'll be asleep by the time you will come back from school, and when we're both awake we can work it all out. C:
    It's 3:45 PM here, and I don't really have anything to do all afternoon, so I suppose that should work out. I'll get her out and in 9 hours I'll check back then. I can set my alarm, I don't mind doing those things for dreamies haha. :)

    Also, if you want to trade villagers, one of us needs to have 9 villagers. If curly pings me, I'll let him go, but otherwise would you have space?
    Ah, looks fine with me! I'll just try to replace the bed when he lives with me.

    My mom is going to cut my hair now and after that I'll start TTing.
    I'm quite the careful time traveler, though, checking up on my villagers and such, so it might take a bit longer than usual ;w; Do you have space to pick up either Daisy or Gala? Because if so, I'll message you as soon as one of them has a moving date.
    I'm not sure if you have twitter or facebook? If so, you can mention me at @Relicum_ or message me at Kim Johanna Francoise Cramer C: Thanks a bunch!
    Hiya! I sure am interested, actually. Would you mind taking a screenshot so I can see how original he is? I love cobb, and also because of his house ;w; If that's okay with you and the house is okay with me, I'm sure we can work it out. C:
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