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  • It's taking so much longer than I thought tbh omg
    I tried to block off spots with textile squares but either didn't leave the spots where i want her big enough or messed up by not blocking off the upper half of my map (want all my villagers in the half under the river haha) I'm struggling
    Do you by any chance have any bananas on your beach or island? Just realized I don't have any of those. And I finally have some perfect apples I can give to you! :)
    Oh, no problem! And I would love to come over again sometime (or you come over) :D
    And oh yeah, I totally forgot about that. xD
    Thanks for coming over, it was fun! lol
    Here's the link to find that dream address, along with some other towns as well:
    Let's go to each other's towns to shop and talk again sometime soon! When I'm not working on my homework, though xD
    Okay! I'm ready now (probably until 5, more homework I have to do bleh) and thanks! I would love my school's teachers to go on strike, so that means I wouldn't have to go to school lol
    I also heard about the strikes on the news, I hope you guys over there stay seems pretty violent right now o.o
    Ok! Well actually I realized tonight that my T&T Emporium is opening so I can get some persimmons from there now, but I'd still really like to give you the bells and perfect oranges! ;_; You can visit my town tomorrow, just send me a VM whenever you want! ^^ I hope you have a nice day at school! (Most of the schools here are closed because of a teacher's strike omg...)
    Yes, curse that stupid screen, I still have the persimmons D: We can try again tomorrow night, I would say now but I have to go to bed (darn school is starting up again tomorrow grr) It doesn't matter to me, but tomorrow I can try to come over to your town, yeah. It might be better that way, my internet connection isn't the best and acts up sometimes..
    (Also I'm pretty much the same way, just switch math and history xD)
    aaa, sorry, there was an error. I'll try to open my gate again. xD (I'm actually better at math lol, but yeah study guides are super boring. Luckily I was listening to music, it makes almost everything funner.)
    (Also lmao)
    I'm ready right now! And it was History, bleh. I really dislike making study guides. lol
    (Also, totally unrelated, but Zipper T. Bunny's head with chicken? I think feet is really starting to make me uncomfortable xD)
    Nope, I'm in Central. And I'll probably be ready after 8, because my homework is taking longer than I thought it would.
    Anyway, happy Easter to you too! (Or should I say, hoppy Easter? bahaha)
    aaa we really do xD
    I'm a bit busy today (as my family is celebrating Easter and my dad's birthday, and I need to finish my homework) but I'll be available now and maybe after 7 pm (my time) if that's ok?
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