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  • I apologize as I had a family emergency soon after we spoke, and I'm currently at the hospital, so I'll definitely try to get back to you tonight! Sorry for this inconvenience, don't think I forgot about you!
    I've added you and I'm about to open my gates for you. If you see this in the next 15 or 20 minutes come on over. If not, it's 3:30 in the morning where I am and I'm going to head to bed. Just let me know if there is a time that works for you in my tomorrorw morning/ your evening if you live in the US.
    Whoops! Sorry it's like 3 am and I am a bit scatter brained. Forgot to give you my FC. It's 5112-3459-1302.
    Perfect. That gives me enough time to get to the right date and make sure my wifi isn't giving me crap tonight. Let me know when you get back and I'll open my gates.
    Hey, I'm sorry I wasn't able to be online at 11, but I'll be online on Pokemon most of the day again.
    Ahaha, really? I honestly didn't notice! I guess that it just happens when people are browsing new threads at the same time. Sorry that I'm scaring you?
    Group 3 wont be for a while. Probably not even today because I will be kinda busy on and off. Keep an eye on the post, as I will be updating it when groups are called!
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