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  • Alright! I find it easier to buy all 8 and then I put them outside retail and you can use the same flowers to refill it again. That way I don't lose count. XD
    Sure. That's fine. :3
    I'm letting someone pick up a villager real quick, but that'll take a few minutes.
    Lilypad is ready to be weeded! You have five minutes to reply and claim your spot!
    It says your PM box is full when I try to reply to your last message. ^^;
    Hey! I decided that the 16 villager cycling method is taking too long, so can you just auction Merengue off and transfer the TBT to my account?
    Gates are open! Uh...she might have taken on Sterling's fashion sense while in town. I had nothing to do with that. >.>
    Yep! Let me just log in and make sure I have your FC, then I'll open the gates!
    I'm still waiting for either you or MoiCrossing to pick up Merengue. Please VM me ASAP when you're online.
    I'm online right now; dunno if you are or not (invisible mode confuses me @.@ ). I might have some chores to do soon, but at least for now, I'm online if you are as well and want to come pick Merengue up.
    Merengue is finally in boxes and ready to move out! I contacted MoiCrossing, but haven't heard anything back, so I'm guessing they are offline. I'm only going to be online for another 10 minutes or so, then I'll be back on tomorrow (no worries; I reset the clock whenever I have to keep someone in boxes overnight).
    Oh. Good, Good. Haha. Let me TT her & then I'll open my gates, I've already added you, so I'll see you in a second.
    Haha, We keep missing each other, I should have checked my Inbox sooner. I'll TT her into boxes so she's ready for you, & I'll add you. Just VM me when your online :)
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