Recent content by StarryTumble

  1. StarryTumble

    Giveaway  Fuchsia Fuchsia in boxes!

    Hi everyone! I have Fuchsia in boxes right now and was hoping to give her to a good home! I'll try holding onto her for a good amount of time but will probably TT in a few hours. Note: My island is a MESS. Please excuse my messy island. I'm trying to clean it and have things everywhere so...
  2. StarryTumble

    Shop ✻ Catalog Island - ALL Furniture, Flooring, Rugs, & Wallpaper! ✻ {Lowered Prices}

    Island Name - Palmacosta IGN - Chris Catalog - All items Payment - 350 tbt Comments - Do you allow revisit if we get disconnected?
  3. StarryTumble

    Selling 💗Mom's Yard Sale! 💗 Pay what you want!

    I'll DM dodo code shortly! Sending the tbt now!
  4. StarryTumble

    Selling 💗Mom's Yard Sale! 💗 Pay what you want!

    Could I have one of each sweater and 5 of mom's art for 20 tbt? I'm not great with tbt prices. 😅
  5. StarryTumble

    Selling Bug-Off Extras

    - bug cage (the wearable item) - butterfly backpack - ladybug rug - spider doorplate - ladybug umbrella For 50 NMT?
  6. StarryTumble

    Trading  /Buying Genuine Paintings/Statues

    I don't have many extras and my luck with Redd has been awful. Would like to trade for paintings and statues I don't yet have. FT: Genuine Mystic Statue Glowing Painting Star fragments (zodiac, large, small) NMT Igb LF: All genuine art except for mystic statue, glowing painting, flowery...
  7. StarryTumble

    Selling A STUPID Amount of DIYs- Come Look!

    Yup! Ready whenever you are!
  8. StarryTumble

    Selling A STUPID Amount of DIYs- Come Look!

    Hi! Can I do 5 NMT for the deer scare?
  9. StarryTumble

    Trading Zodiac Star Fragments

    Sorry for the late reply! Sure thing!
  10. StarryTumble

    Trading Zodiac Star Fragments

    Ahh, I already have that. Sorry. :( 1589903894 Bump
  11. StarryTumble

    Trading Zodiac Star Fragments

    Hi! I'm not really looking for igb or NMT atm, but can trade for seasonal materials if you have any of those!
  12. StarryTumble

    Trading  Zodiac Star Fragments

    Am looking to collect all the zodiac star fragments. Here is what I have: Aries Taurus Sagittarius Gemini Pisces Virgo Cancer Capricorn Looking for: Leo Libra Scorpio Aquarius Can trade 1:1 for any star fragments I don't have!
  13. StarryTumble

    Selling DIYS, NM item orders // lf: TBT

    Hi! Could I have 5 of the gemini star fragments for 75 tbt?