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  • I bought some cute cat paw earphones and they broke after like two uses and the sound quality sucked.
    I felt sorry for Dan but then again didn't. It's not like Phil to scare Dan like that lmao!
    Good good, me too tbh
    I'm pretty good I'm tired as heck and I doubt I'll last until 2am oops. Just watched Dan play can your pet for the first time his reaction was priceless lmao. How are you?
    (If i don't respond my mission has failed and I'm asleep lacking in voodoo dolls and candles)
    i love that paRT BUT I HATE IT AT THE SAME TIME
    MY POOR BABY ; v ;
    I am more Stucky aF!
    if i ever meet seb stan and chris evans in a photobooth event at a con im gonna make both of them kiss my cheeks, and when thE PEOPLE GO TO TAKE THE PICTURE ILL SMASH THEIR HEADS TOGETHER SO THEY KISS
    that dog gifset is awesome! it is pretty unnecessary. it's hard to find youtubers that aren't rude in some way.
    the occasional joke is cool but igwym, I always feel like 'get on with the game already pls ty'.
    they could interview fans at meet and greets!
    I think it's cool pewds uploads everyday so you get a ton of content from him. while dan and phil are consistent, I love their videos so much I just wish they'd upload everyday!! I love markiplier, he has the best laugh! and he's an awesome singer.
    how about: day in the life of dan and phil... on tour!
    ikr! they really need to stop making fnaf games. by next year there'll be like fnaf87 being released lmao. ikr! dan and phil are a lot more fun I think but I do like pewdiepie also.
    yess! that'd be pretty awesome. they also need to go back to japan and do another japhan !!
    it's certainly keeping me occupied and making me want to rip out my intestines in a sense!
    the chair of doom. I really hope they stay away from fnaf and slenderman this year, since they often end in such events lmao!
    they looked very fancy pants. loving the book advertisments (#spon)
    oh man! maybe you should get back into it! it would be fun to play together sometime.
    yesssss! i'm pretty excited. I did! phil's larger-than-life alien whale conspiracy was great.
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