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  • hey no problem 13th is fine. if you need some time cause real life np, ill seya then.
    I'm on invisible mode all the time - sorry for all the confusion, thank you for sending it back!
    Well you said you were going to update me and you never did, I was actually online waiting and noticed you hadn't said anything yet you had been online, so I asked again and heard nothing back - I'm also a pretty busy person IRL which is why I don't want to wait around anymore.
    I'd like my tbt back please and I'd like to cancel the order
    yeah but I'm tired of waiting around, you ignored my last vm and I would like my tbt back (((:)
    whomp sorry for never getting back about glaceon. I'm leaving to go out in a half an hour but i can pick her/him up later on!
    are you free to trade now for order. ill pm u later about what we talked about.
    hi guess i missed you lets set up a time tomarrow est i perfer late afternoon. im off for night have a good one.
    No worries haha! I just got a new phone so I was mucking about with that. Ill send the tbt!
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