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  • Darius-The-Fox - Order
    sunrise lamp 4040
    stewpot 960
    imperial tile 2980
    imperial wall 2660
    kadomatsu 2580
    kettle 800
    lazy susan table 2400
    lucky cats (lefty 1700, black 1700, gold 6200)
    lovely doll 2400
    low screen 1480
    mama panda 960
    modern screen 1152
    ninja outfit (hood 480, sandals 480, shirt 420, pants 480)
    paper lantern 800
    paper parasol 320
    paper tiger 680
    raccon figurine 2000
    rice cooker 2000
    rice plant bed 4400
    samurai helmet 2000
    samurai pants 800 = 46,872 + fee = 50,000 (26) Deal or no deal?
    Yeah my friend code changed recently because I got a 3DS XL for an upgrade of my 2DS.

    Friend Code is: 1736 4633 4996
    Darius-The-Fox - Order ready
    Exotic set continue...
    lamp 1800
    rug 1820
    screen 2250
    table 2300
    wallpaper 1420
    wall shelf 2400
    wardrobe 2180
    female mask 1600
    festive lantern 900
    fish grill 2800
    flamenco hat 1600
    garden tank 420
    geisha wig 1600
    generals fan 1600
    generals stool 1200
    girls day updo 1332
    hagoita non-orderable
    hair bow wig gracie item
    hearth 1600
    hibachi 1200
    hinaningyo 2560
    hot plate 1680
    spring kimono 800
    topknot wig 1200
    tokonoma 2300
    tea set 300
    tall lantern 5980
    taiko drum 1300 = 46,142 + fee = 50,000 (26)
    Darius-The-Fox - Order ready
    tea tansu 1600
    tatami bed 2400
    sword 1400
    straw umbrella hat 240
    sushi platter 1680
    stair dresser 2252
    biwa lute 1800
    black katana 12000
    blossom lantern 2400
    bow 1400
    campfire 1360
    campfire cookware 800
    stewpot 960
    carp banner 2020
    ceramic hot pot 1000
    cherry blossom clock 4160
    circle banner 1200
    conveyor belt sushi 3600
    conical straw hat 1200
    emperors cap 1320
    Exotic Set
    bed 2540
    bench 1900
    bureau 2400
    chair 1400
    chest 1800
    end table 1600 = 56,432 + fee = 60,000 (26)
    Ok, still working up the order and getting sidetracked with deliveries. I will post soon.
    Just to let you know I commented on your thread! I would be more than happy to sell you the items c:
    Nah. i don't think in game. My internet is messed up. i literally have to go to an AT&T or Best Buy to connect my 3DS in the Nintendo Spotpass zone's hotspot. I play Smash and Animal crossing and Mario Kart 7 online. I don't lag or DC often there. While at home I DC and lag a lot online with a few people.
    It's just that your icon looks familiar... like I have forgotten a good person I met online. I mean I could be wrong, but one never knows until the end.
    I could check if I used to watch you in DA. I'm V-drift in most places.
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