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  • sorry l said just save in case if it error
    l'm still not done, so is it okay you can re-open again
    ok and good news l did another way holding rest of the sets with me so l only have a few left overs in my town
    it'll be 150 tbt for the cinnamoroll, my melody, kiki & lala, kerokerokeroppi, sweets and mermaid sets
    i was just finishing up a delivery and will be over as soon as i see your gates open (i think you still have to add me though)
    hi again, no problem!

    i think i missed you again but i should be online all day again so just let me know if you're free later on!
    l'm here and l will have to go back to my town and pick up rest of the sets cause l coudn't fit all the sets in my locker. I'll get on and add you
    now l see your offline so i'll check on here later.
    hi again! i'm still willing to sell you the sets c: just let me know when you're ready for me to drop them off. no rush, good luck with all your studying and exams though ;o; take your time if you need to, i'll hold on to the sets for you. i should be online for the rest of the day, so just vm if you're free
    wow that's sounds very stressful work you gotta deal with and its okay for the late reply cause l understand. Also great nice to hear your available on Friday.
    One thing in the morning l'm going to be gone but not for very long so let me know which time tomorrow you'll like to trade.
    okay i planned that we should meet up in your town this Friday so l can drop off the sets, cause you dont have to really worry about homework on Friday.
    yeah you gotta do it and sorry for late reply l just got back online again. I'll try to catch you online again, very sorry l was playing on the switch.
    okay and oh my your hours ahead
    btw l'm giving you two more sets thats from your list and the price will still be 53 tbt, so dont worry l'm not charging you more. Man when you say homework, l bet its no fun at all rn for you.
    ah sorry about that then ;o; i’ll be online until 10-11pm est tonight depending on when i fall asleep. if not we can try and meet up tomorrow
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