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  • Hello! I was wondering about when you will be ready to trade the fireplace and chaise lounge? Thank you again!
    It's okay, don't worry!! I've actually got the items now, but thank you so much anyway!
    omg. i'm so bad at this. you can give me a negative grade rating if you want lol - but ANYWAYS i will 98% be on on thursday from... let's say.... 7-9 o'clock?? if the school wifi doesnt work or i have more than 4 hours of homework then, well, that's the 2%, but i will try and warn you if so. Thank you for being so unbelievably patient! :)
    yrshyrshhhh same .o. ok so i have to go to the dentist and do homework but i'll try and be on for a while while I'm waiting for the appointment??? I'll see if I can get my ds to the wifi lol
    I'm ready now! Sorry i wasn't on then .-. if you can't now, i'm on est time so from around 6-10 i'll be on at maybe half hour intervals. roughly lol
    Just woke up to. I need to go out and drive my brother to school for a bit so I might be afk for a couple hours
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