Recent content by Rodeo

  1. Rodeo

    When you get a villager voided by a TBT member...

    I've never gotten any voided villagers since I turn Streetpass off if I'm at 9 or less villagers or simply refuse to let people in because I could get Jambette off someone.
  2. Rodeo

    Pokemon ABC's game

  3. Rodeo

    Slap the Above User with Anything

    Slapped with a rubber ducky.
  4. Rodeo

    Most Recently Seen TV Show/Movie?

    Uhh, I think the last show on TV I watched was Spongebob.
  5. Rodeo

    ABC.. Animal Crossing!

    Sydney is extremely adorable.
  6. Rodeo

    Are you an Apple addict?

    I don't like Apple products at all. On PCs, I grew up using Windows exclusively, but I had an iPhone before and I simply just didn't like anything about it.
  7. Rodeo

    Very much so.

    Very much so.
  8. Rodeo


  9. Rodeo

    It's pretty cool.

    It's pretty cool.
  10. Rodeo

    Nah, not too much.

    Nah, not too much.
  11. Rodeo

    Who are your Top 3 Villagers of New Leaf?

    Rodeo, Wolfgang, and Yuka.
  12. Rodeo

    What is your favorite villager species? (mouse, cat, dog, etc.)

    Cubs, bulls, and ostriches. - - - Post Merge - - - Eagles also.
  13. Rodeo

    Junior year was a cakewalk for me.

    Junior year was a cakewalk for me.
  14. Rodeo

    I'm guessing you're a junior or sophomore?

    I'm guessing you're a junior or sophomore?
  15. Rodeo

    It's fine, I am so not ready for senior year, lol.

    It's fine, I am so not ready for senior year, lol.