• Join us for live Nintendo Trivia today at 6PM EDT in our Discord server as part of The Bell Tree World Championship 2024 to win points for your team!

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  • Ik I probably can't beat you. I'm just salty cause you said you're **** as ganon and you beat my main as him. I just think that move if unfar and cheap and if nintendo make moves like that it should kill the user first, not the target. Gg though... Nthing against you, I just hate Sakurai
    Well I'm gonna be salty af after that cheap death fr about a week so sorry if I'm blank/rude with you in advance :)
    I knew what you were doing so it's my own fault. I told myself "don't go to the edge" and I did it anyway.

    I ****ing hate ganondork and falcon. They punch way to hard and shouldnt have kill moves like that when they are too overpowered anyway. >_>
    Well im sorry to be salty but f that >_>
    I hate it when people do that. Ganondorf's punches are bs anyway and then they do that and I feel as if it's jsut being rubbed in my face. Gg and all but that win was bs >_>
    I can't wait 30min atm D: Sorreh. It's nearly 11pm and Im SOOO tired.

    How's about you shoot me a request when your done and we figt tomorrow. What times will you be free?
    R u on? If you are my NNID is Zhangster, shoot me a request and we can play!

    Could you make a room?
    tbh it's a really rare sight for my falcon to be so off that my marth is better. was definitely fun though we'll have to play some more asap!
    got dookied on. i'll hyu when I'm playing a bit better. your fox is solid. I just suck at teching those ff fairs and always get hit with the smash that follows it :p I know its coming every time and I still miss the tech
    yeah lol i obv have no idea how to use pika and falco is just embarrassing. he's my main in melee and P:M but he disgusts me in sm4sh
    I went ahead and DQ'ed Boidoh.
    I hope you guys didn't play your match or anything and forget to tell me lol.

    You will now be facing CookingOkasan instead!
    Good luck : - )
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