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  • i might try using axes when i start G.U. i just gotta finish the other games. i dont think in the first .hack games you can change your weapon to something other than twinblades? i dont really remember though its been a while
    yooo thats awesome. oo axes are sexy. i like having a warrior sometimes, but theyre too slow for me most of the time. i might be able to find that game cheaper somewhere online.
    that sounds cool. im glad they give u some choice. i love when games have alot of classes, i get so excited. i like being the rogue-ish type class. like someone good in stealth that usually uses daggers. i just like being fast and wear light armor
    im still playin the demo, the character models remind me of one of the remakes for the older final fantasy games. i cant think of it but it gives me that final fantasy feel sometimes
    yeah i dont do the retail trade due to that. its too time consuming to wait for ppl to run across my map to retail lol. oh yeah i forgot about the windmill....i still need that. i might do the diving trick later today and get some more pwps. ive been so lazy with it i kinda stopped
    hmmm maybe you can turn it into like a plaza with your cafe, the police station, the campsite and other stuff idk. i made a park in my town where my fruit orchard used to be. you have a nice map though, i kinda regret the map i chose in a way. i shouldve made retail closer to my train station lol
    my street lamps are taking up alot of my pwps. after i heard about the limit i might have to slow down on the street lamps :C i change my mind alot too, ill probably end up redoin my town again like always. it sucks being indecisive
    yeah i keep forgetting to update my dream. i need alot more pwps, too bad theres a limit on how many you can have :C
    omg im waiting for rosie to come to my town. i have my bf holding her for me. shes my last dreamy.... even tho my dreamies change all the time i dont even kno anymore. im just focusing on my town right now. its looking cool so far, i upgraded all the houses, i just need to decorate the insides of two of em. its so much money, im down to 4.6mil. i started with 10 lol
    I can open or come over now til 11 or so if your on, or else I'll catch you tomorrow :)

    Btw, did you want the items plus 150k or 200k, just saw I offered both lol.
    If you can do it today, let me know, I'll be on for a bit now, then I'm usually on around 9/10 :)
    oo i like that design idea. im running low on money too so i opened a shop. its been goin good so far. i like working for my bells instead of just selling some expensive villager for like 20mil. its more fulfilling this way
    yeah im working on my human villagers houses to make everything look nicer. its so much money ima be broke ; v ;
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