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  • Your stuff's still lying around in my town because I couldn't catch you in the last days :x
    Do you still need them?
    Um sorry, I haven't been online much in the last days e.e
    I order them within the next hour and you can pick them up today (not later than 7 PM MEZ) or tomorrow since I have two final exams tomorrow :s
    Gah. Forgot to mention thanks for the extra hybrid, too. Or I think it was you. My memory is terrible.
    Sure. I'm up right now, and would not mind going to your town. Mm, it was 90k for nine starts, but I added two for free since it's a new day.
    Falling asleep in the middle of stuff is something I do all the time, heh. I should be available when you're on.
    It's late now, but I'll contact you again when I can (I'll have two more starts for you for no added bells).
    Darn, just missed you again. I'll try to keep a look out for when you're next online.
    Seems I missed my window to trade with you by a few minutes. If you're still interested in the saplings, please let me know when you're next available. Hopefully, I can be on at a convenient time.

    If you're still online and if OK with you, I'll drop off your bush starts. I added your FC and am available to come over.

    Sorry, to take so long to make wifi rating for Maple, Pikachuomg. If you can, please reply! Thank you! ^^
    Locked the thread by I have your axes. My FC is 0903-2781-3402 and I already have you added. Let me know when you're ready to pick them up, thanks.
    Hey, friend! I´m so sorry for yesterday. I got sick, went to the hospital....but Im fine now. I don´t play since I have her in boxes. I need to see if put the right date on game. I have no batteries now. Iam charging the game, then I´ll see the date. I´ll be here 1 pm (your time) again today. I hope I still have her for you. Hugs. PS.: Marshal is doing fine!!!! ;)
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