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  • Miss Fame was my absolute #1 before the season started, and she's absolutely adorable <3 Plus, she's absolutely talented at what she does. Did you see her feast of fun podcast? She had to do half her padding with t-shirts and it came out absolutely FLAWLESS. Raven's fierce as hell and should have won season two. I absolutely adore her sense of style.
    God, I would kill to get my makeup done by either of them.
    //hugs ; v ;

    I actually don't have one because I prefer just doodling random things, but I'm thinking about getting one soon! I'll definitely let you know if I decide to~!

    I'd love to be friends. I'm hella awkward tho ^.^;;;;
    Holy crap, you're 12 years old and you're so much better at art than I am. ; o ; I'm 14 btw. I'm a sucker for amazing young artists <33 Your art style is really cute! (*´・v・)
    i mean i do wanna watch it, it seems good
    plus all the guys are hot
    but i think ill just wait until im a little older
    Im very committed haha.

    //I think ive lost my second toe nail on my right foot like 26 times??//

    Its gruesome omg
    Im 14 and ive been in ballet for 11 years haha.

    I also am about to start an internship at a company to dance professionally and im slightly scared oops.
    Ye but my dream is to dance Odette from Swan Lake at nycb c:
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