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  • hiya! whenever you're free do you mind giving me a rating? Thank you in advance! Hope Zell's doing well! ^_^
    Added! Do you want us to just come and leave? Or is it ok if I look at your town?
    Your inbox is full. D:
    Here's the message I was going to send:
    10:12 PM, I'm a night owl, so I stay up fairly late. What time is it for you?
    Hi ~ I have your order of all the sets except campus. The total is 5.5m but 5m will do :) Let me know if you're ready, I have 5 items up in retail for sale at 1m each :)
    Ah sorry! alfonso is hosting a birthday party for me. haha. Ive added you and i'll open my gates right after
    Ahhh, I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you're feeling better today!!! :(

    Well I'm currently at work, but I don't have any customers at the moment. So if you get this in time, I'm free to give you Zell until someone comes in.
    would i be able to come over in the next few minutes? c: i've already added you. thank you for this service, btw!
    Yayyy! Well I currently have 10 villagers, so if possible can you pick up Zell first?

    Please give me a time and I'll wake up accordingly. ^_^
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