Recent content by Monkey09

  1. M


    The bell tree shur has gotten bigger i havent been on this in about a year does anybody remeber me?
  2. M

    Im back i havent been on this in quite a while. I see there is still the same ol members i remeber. and the site has changed quite a bit...for good?
  3. M

    Yay for virues...

    limewire isnt hard to use i only use the cable and t3 ones that arent higher or lower than 28,000 or something like that.
  4. M

    Wii titles

    Well what games that are on Xbox 360 and PS3 would you like to se on Wii??? I would say and of those shooters like gears of war or halo and guitar gero but that is comeing out for shure.
  5. M

    Some of my sigs

    I like the last four but the 1st 2 I dont like very much you are pretty good with the last 3.
  6. M

    posting from hotel again

    Sounds like your ognna have fun...sooo have fun!
  7. M

    Sig made in paint...

    How do ya guys and gals like it? give me any critisism.
  8. M

    Official "I Got A Wii!" Thread!

    Ha ha a little late but hey I finally got one it was im possible here In El Paso...every week a store got 10 wiis I would have had one on launch day but my friends dad failed to take us as planned...sniff...sniff...well I have the wii wii sports and wii play sometime this week ill get Call of...
  9. M

    When is the last time they made a...Movies

    They come out with a bunch of movies now n days and I began to wonder, when is the last time they made a scary movie that actaully scared you? I cant recall the last movie that did and I do get scared easy the last horro film i saw was dead silence it was horrilbe wasnt very good stoyline wasnt...
  10. M

    When making comments on news posts on the site...

    Yes, its not hard to do so and will stop most of what is happening.
  11. M


    Who on the boards here that IS active is the hightest rank I wonder...hey i guess people should post there rank on here. i havent been very active this past year...sniff...sniff...
  12. M

    One Last Post

    Wow thats a face I havent seen in a while and I guess wont be seeing anymore...well bye smart it was good havein you here.
  13. M

    Official March AC Sig Contest

    Well I voted for fish and JJR, they were good but I also really liked Jman's and the 1st one was good too.
  14. M


    mine just started woohoo..i guess
  15. M

    The site

    I can get on easly everyday and my computer isnt that great its never slow for me.