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  • I diiiid~ D: I still have my very first town on my 3DS cart, but I ended up buying a digital copy a couple years ago since it's easier to not have to swap it out... how about you?? :O New town? Old town still intact?
    Omg it's been a million years but I still remember you of course and I hope you're well! :)
    If I rely on that logic, Pokémon would "crash" more often than ACNL would. If that statement is true, then the size has something to do with that.
    Then again, I never had these issues on my current 3DS systems.

    By the way, I'm kinda warming up to get Pokémon Y, given that the last Pokémon games I ever played were Red & Yellow (Game Boy) and Colosseum (GameCube). And if I do, it'll be probably on next year.

    EDIT: Also saw that your new blog has been 404'ed.
    Oh wow. You got a stalker in form of a black error screen. I wonder on how often this will happen...
    Hey Mint! Do you remember me from Animal Crossing? I'm Joey from Toronto. Tell your sister I said hey! Anyways, sorry I haven't been on lately... School has been stressful, taking nearly all advanced classes this year. Plus I'm also learning how to drive. Exciting, right? Anyways feel free to message me on here sometime. See ya! ^_^
    ah sorry if this sounds kinda weird but uh everyone on tumblr is kinda wondering where you went! your blog was pretty cool imo so yeah / if you prefer not to say thats okay too !
    I should have worded some of my sentences a bit better. In fact, my Japanese 3DS XL is completely fine. I was telling that when I opened that 3DS and checked the friend list, I see my NA counterpart not playing anything (because it froze) before I shut my NA 3DS XL. My JPN town no longer crashes after doing a System Transfer. It still take a while to boot this game if my system is attempting to connect in Internet, while my NA system doesn't.

    Now that I got every Flower furniture I could get from Weeding Day, my JP town now have a Beautiful Town ordinance and lgave my hybrids flowers in there. All I need is to at least make a basic path, so I won't worry much on people accidentally running over flowers, as I'm going to host JPN-only events.

    I seem to play ACNL less often than before, as there other games that caught my interest. Like Pikmin 3 at the moment and Wind Waker HD soon. My wallet is going to take a hit this holidays. :eek:
    So, my North American 3DS froze this night, as I was jumping from StreetPass Mii Plaza to New Leaf. And that's right before the 3DS logo would show up. The funny thing is, I can see the orange light blinking from time to time. I saw on my JPN 3DS's Friend List that no software is currently being played while still being active.
    The best (obvious) part is, my New Leaf save data is intact.

    I just noticed that "dramatic" threads are spawning more often than ever! With people complaining on the smallest bits of ACNL, I believe this could be the reason.
    I noticed that every time I skip a year, only 60 weeds get to grow. That's exactly 30 days of not touching the game, so the maximum amount of weed spawn is capped.

    If you time travel to grow a lot of weeds, I suggest you skip a month per town loading. Rinse and repeat until you reach like 4500 weeds (75 months). You'd easily lose your current villagers depending on how many months you skipped and fill your mailboxes pretty quickly, but that's the only way to get weed badges much quicker.
    Woah, you got lucky there! It's not often you'd see this kind of trickery.

    I took a small break of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, but I should be back playing starting tomorrow, since I'll be hosting Weeding Day on my JPN town at that time (yes, I TT to grow a year's worth of weeds), and bunch of people are coming there, too. It will begin in 9AM EDT.
    So, I just cleaned my Wii Remotes a bit with vinegar and it rid enough acid. One of my Wii Remotes work perfectly well now, mainly because the acid leak wasn't that bad, though it could be worse than that.
    Let's hope the battery on that 3DS LL will be intact, unless you managed to switch FedEx as your delivery option.
    If the person who broke the game card doesn't bother sending it to repair, they could always download ACNL and have their saved data transferred to the downloaded software.

    Also, I recently noticed that some of the alkaline batteries that are lying in my house are having some acid leak, due of their prolonged period of non-use. The leaked batteries looked like it's getting a very grainy icing on the sides. And my Wii Remotes are suffering a little of that. I need to clean them and see if I can get them to work.
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