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  • It was then that she started to spit up blood and the Vet said to just not give it anymore
    as normally it's supposed to heal by itself at this point. So yeah.. now it's wait and see if the
    infection goes completely away or not. Normally she should not get sick anymore like that,
    but there is still a small chance of it happening. I really hope it won't be the case tho, as
    she suffered enough already at her first year of being alive.. :(
    As for Luna.. pretty much she got all her teeth removed. The Veterinaire told me that there
    must've been a huge problems with her teeth, besides the Virus. They were not stable at all
    which must've caused her even more pain on top of the infection. Anyways, now she is
    teethlesss and she had to take 2 painkillers and one antibiotica for 8 days. After that I
    went to the Vet for a check up and she has still a bit of an infection, it even went on to her
    tongue. Like, the little teeth they have on their tongues, she has a spot without them now.
    I had to give the rest of the antibiotica (about 2 - 3 days were left) and she didn't take them

    (Really? A 3rd part I guess.. sorry for the spam xD)
    Ah, I see.. what a mature way to handle a situation, tzz.. especially that last message. :|
    Oh well, that would be really unfair if that's true.. sounds like abusing their rights a bit..
    I hope it will go better after a while. Just don't let them put you into a bad mood, that's
    not worth it. At least there are other people that still like you like me and I see you are
    good friends with Riley as well. He seems to care about you as well, so that's something! :D

    (2nd part incoming, message is too long, lol)
    I mean.. everyone can be a little bad, I guess.
    But that's weird to tell someone how to feel about another person, hmm.. :|

    Yeah, it's really not something great to do. The first day I got her back from
    the operation, I had to give her morphine to kill the pain.. she refused to take
    it and once I got it into her mouth she started to have mousse around her mouth
    with blood. God that was scary. Apparently cats can have that reaction when they
    really really can't stand a taste (well, without the blood. That was just from the fresh wound).
    That's rough. I hate when people have to tell lies like that, as you are clearly not a bad person
    from what I've seen :(

    Luna is doing alright. She had her latest checkup last friday and she has still a bit of an infection,
    but that should be gone soon. End of this month I have to get her checked a (hopefully) last time!
    The only thing that is worrying me, is that everytime I have to give her the antibiotica she is
    spitting it out with blood. Vet' said it's fine, but it's still scary and painful to watch her struggle like that.
    Oww, that sounds rough. I'm sorry about that. :(
    I see what you mean, as I got a warning (thankfully not a ban) once because I made
    a bad joke, which was somewhat obviously a joke.. but yeah, the crybaby obviously
    had to win. After that, the person was getting mad everytime I posted something in
    "What's bothering you?" because he thought I would mean him, thinking I think about
    him 24/7 while I didn't even care about him, lmao. Could've gotten me banned as well
    if I said it was about him. :^)

    Anyways, I hope you'll find some joy back! Sometimes a break helps :b
    Hey! First of all sorry that I never got to play Animal Crossing with you. Had a lot going on. doctors, tests, house renovation, veterinaire, etc. Still long from being done :(

    Anyways, wanted to ask how you are? Saw that you don't seem to be enjoying TBT at the moment. Something happened? :(
    I do care. I saw your post in the thread. Is it okay for me to VM/PM her directly and ask how she’s doing?
    When you said "what" on the are you famous on TBT thread. Did you mean my signature?
    Never mind.
    are you dark skinned, tan or light skinned?
    not sure if you just like tanning in acnl or you do it to match irl.
    Majin Millie! Sorry I got caught up doing a little bit of chores since I slept too long today.
    Oh gosh I was worried she'd have stripes lol okay, ty.
    She'll just have to look like majin vegeta lmao with that big fat m
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