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  • That was one of the kindest acts anyone ever directed toward me on an Animal Crossing forum, or any forum in general. Thank you kindly for the most generous donation, and please let me know if you ever change your mind about the donation, or if you otherwise need anything in the forum.

    I do not appreciate that you gave me a negative wifi rating, as we had never traded. Someone who has been here longer than me should know that it's against the rules to do so. That just shows how childish and immature you are.

    Have a nice day.
    I wasn't ripped off. I knew what I was doing. I didn't need or want the TBT. I think it's very sweet that you're defending me but there is no reason to argue.
    Your comment on how I don't have a grasp on the English language is crap in itself. What led you to believe that, eh?
    You are clearly delusional. I am, perhaps, even more fluent than you. I didn't ask for your idiocy to be on my profile either. Also, the OP stated herself she doesn't need nor care for the TBT. You mind your own damn business, as I don't care about yours.
    Hi I have to go to church today. I have eastern time zone (it's 9:58am as I write this).
    If my offer of 2.5mil is not enough for Molly, is 3.5mil alright? If that is okay would you be able to hold her till 2:30pm eastern time? I can pay you more to hold her if need be. I really, really want her, but I only have 5mil. So I can only go as high as that. Thanks <3
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