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  • Okay! Well I can pay more than that obviously since you went through all the trouble, would 300k be good??
    I don't think there's an easy way to do it, the only way I know of would be making a new list and selecting all of the items I need for that list. I can do that if it will make things easier! But I'm not 100% sure which items are orderable and which aren't!!
    Yes I will be! Thank you so much. Let me know how much you need to cover the ordering costs!
    Hey, I just saw your post on my catalog thread!! That would be absolutely amazing if I could catalog all those items!!!! The lists are completely up to date. How much would you like for all of them? Thank you so much!!
    Thank you, I have to finish up a trade first but I'll come as soon as I finish!
    I haven't heard that earth eggs turn into gyroids. No offence, it sounds totally...like, bullsh!t. However thank you for trying to keep your eyes out for me.
    Hi So is this sentence correct? I'm loopy. Or should I say like My mind keeps being loopy?
    Btw I figured I don't need more harmonoids. Thank you for trying to be so kind though.
    24 balloons. what does loopy mean?
    And okay will VM you about harmonoids. I'm interested in how you're using harmonoids btw.
    Replies to post scripts
    - I need some stuff too, but gyroids are top priority atm.
    - Yes, its ALREADY morning... I gotta go before my family gets aware of me being playin game throughout the night!
    I've got all papers like 4 times so far. Some are from my family's town though. So the one I gave you is an extra I happened to get not even a day ago. Amazing, huh? :p
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