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  • Hello good friend! Sorry I haven’t been on in forever.. I’ve just been completely swamped with school and just life in general.. hope you (and the baby if I remember correctly? Also apologies if you didn’t want that shared.. will delete if you have a problem with it :3) are doing well!
    hi! my shop is closed at the moment, but I'm still available for changes and updates :) just let me know what fruit you'd like!
    Ah, I see! Thank you so very much! :) I don't time travel so it will take a while for me to collect a ton of bush starts for you, but if you want them faster, I definitely would recommend checking out my very dear & sweet friend's, RedTropicalPeachyFish's, services because she has a ton of stuff for sale (she has over 6 towns/game copies if that tells you anything lol) and she is an absolute joy being around outside of business transactions as well! :D
    It definitely is for sure! :D I would definitely recommend playing the first KOTOR before playing the second one and I recommend experiencing both on PC as well! :) The PC version of KOTOR 1 has content that was Xbox Live exclusive on the Xbox version (which you can't get anymore) and KOTOR 2 on PC also is able to be modded with the Restoration Mod which polishes the game to more what it was intended by Obsidian (KOTOR 2 unfortunately was rushed so there is a lot of cut content).

    I'm currently looking for positions in the tech industry at the moment! ;)

    I unfortunately do not at the moment since I've been doing a lot of plot resetting recently on the northern cluster of villager houses in my town (turning it into a Zelda village :)). :/ How many of them do you need?
    I bet it is challenging, but rewarding at the same time for sure! :D I've been job hunting and playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 a lot recently! :)
    Hey my friend, long time no see! :D I have been doing quite well! How about you? How does it feel to be a mother? :)
    Hello my friend! :) I saw your message and I wish you the best and may God bless you on the start of a new chapter in life as a mother!! :D I look forward to catching up with you later my friend! :)
    To all my friends on here: Thank you for being so sweet to me and helping me get all my dreamies / wish list items. I will be taking a hiatus since my baby girl is almost here, so if I don't respond to your messages immediately that is why. I wish you all the best. :)
    Hey Maddie, I just wanted to let you know that I emptied a ton out of my PMs so you should be able to send me a message now! :) I hopefully will be available later tonight to deliver your item! ;)
    Hello! Sorry for the delay. I had to take care of some things, but now I'm available so contact me if you're ready to pick up your mermaid dresser!
    Psst You're inbox is full! but yaas take your time for Peanut :) I can load her up anytime [she is 15 TBT]
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