Recent content by luminswings

  1. L

    Shop [Selling] art + golden furniture [Buying] glow wands, tweeter, party popper~

    thank you so much! (ahh this was my first trade on the forum so i was so nervous but the flowers are lovely ahaha)
  2. L

    Shop [Selling] art + golden furniture [Buying] glow wands, tweeter, party popper~

    ahhh thanks! take your time. :D [edit: i'm on my way!]
  3. L

    Shop [Selling] art + golden furniture [Buying] glow wands, tweeter, party popper~

    Hi! um... are you still selling blue roses? if so, could i buy eight (that's 400k?)? :D
  4. L

    Selling Extra Hybrids + Silver Axes

    Mmkay. Thanks anyway!
  5. L

    Selling Extra Hybrids + Silver Axes

    If my offer was too low, I can part with eight pink hydrangea starts for the four blue roses if you still have them. :D
  6. L

    Selling Extra Hybrids + Silver Axes

    Hi! Do you still have any more blue roses? If so, would you be up for trading four blue roses for six pink hydrangea starts?