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  • No worries bb! Andy ou hit the nail on the head... it's like he's getting lazy with it :<

    The titan trio + Ymir are all absent from the story and I want them back ;_; I want to see them again, but he just can't gloss over the fact that the trio were like, sent off as child soldiers to do all this crap with the walls, and that they must know a lot of really important **** since they genuinely believe that eradicating humanity is the best course of action (even if it's not true and it's just what they were taught as kids in their villages, we need to know WHY, omg). I'm gonna pull my hair out over this lmao

    Also I mean... if the objective is to plug a hole in the wall, you'd figure Annie's crystallizing ability would be pretty valuable and they'd try to figure out more about it? But as far as we know, they just have her sitting underground somewhere... bluh.
    I know right omg
    A couple of people jumped ship after this last chapter because they're just tired of waiting for things to start making sense. I love the characters waaay too much to abandon the series, but at the same time I get it :| I think this is the first time I've started to enjoy fanfiction more than the source material, lol. This entire arc has been about plugging a hole and it's taking forever to go anywhere. T_T But at the same time, Historia is my bae and she's finally coming into her own so I don't want to complain too much, especially after Isayama said something in an interview like... she's the character he understands the least out of everyone, or something. I wanna see my girl shine 8D
    I did but I have SUCH mixed feelings about it ;_; Like, I'm happy Historia's fighting. Not happy that they portrayed Levi's grabbing her by the collar and screaming at her as some positive event that inspired her to do that, though. And then there's Isayama forgetting Erwin lost an arm in one of the panels, and randomly drawing Eren shirtless in a flashback panel, and I'm just like... bruh, when your fans are paying better attention to your characters than you are... that's kinda sad.

    Also, chicken titan????? WHAT
    They HAVE to come back ;_; I just can't believe they would leave Annie behind, and you know Ymir's said on multiple occasions she wants to see Historia again so... ahhhhh D:
    Totally agree! Which is another reason I love PMD. The Pokemon games are awesome, but it is kinda messed up to make little animals fight for you...or maybe I'm just too sensitive when it comes to animals. XD
    I never played that one. I remember getting it for Christmas a couple years ago, but I never got the chance to play it before losing it. But apparently I didn't miss out on anything.

    The Pokemon games have always held special significance for me with their social commentary on the enviroment and animal rights...or at least that's what I read into them. ^_^

    I think that's a big part of why I love the PMD games. They gave me a chance to see how pokemon would act and interact.
    I know right? I remember reading reviews for Explorers of Time and I was like, "Did we even play the same game?!" I honestly loved the ever-changing dungeon maps; it kept the gameplay fresh in my opinion.
    Oh yay, you should! :D

    There aren't many games that have made me cry, but that's definitely one of the top ones...it's definitely the emotional investment because I just LOVED playing a game from the pokemon's POV.
    I hate that I sold them with my old DS Lite and man, they're kinda pricey now! I'm trying to find Explorers of Time for a decent price...guess I'm feeling nostalgic, haha.
    You mentioning the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games in the underrated games thread reminded me just how much I loved Blue Rescue Team so I just bought another copy on eBay. ^_^

    I don't even remember why I sold it in the first place; it was so good!
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