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  • Hahha thankss!! then maybe 35 tbt if that's okay... Lol! xD i'm nervous about setting prices myself.

    Will it be okay to trade later? ; u; I am actually plot resetting right now - trying to get my dreamie on one of the 8 spots exactly. I'll let you know when i'm done! but it's been hours so far and it's purely based on luck.. lol.
    I'm only thinking like 30 tbt or so for the whole set so you have more than enough if you're willing to spend that! :)

    and sorry I already sold the princess set a long time ago! >< Every unorderable i have for sale is listed in my selling list, I also do a giveaway with a bunch of reorderables lying all around my town for ppl to take for free if you are interested in that.
    Hey! lol wow and i thought my thread is burried into the graves.. but hmm will you be able to buy the whole set instead? : v; would be easier selling a whole set as opposed to items individually.
    Hi Hii, it's me! Hope you're doing well! Sorry if I seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth! lol real life took over! I just started playing acnl again ^^
    I think I helpef again. Did you see the wiki page? I have not been reading and answering though. I'm an experienced player
    Sorry, I had to go earlier, you must have replied a few minutes after I left :( but I'm back now, I will be on and off for a few hours.
    Im sorry if i wasnt much of a host. Its really hard typing! Thank you so much for your generosity!
    Okay thank you! I will add you and let you know when my gate is open! Oh, I have to warn you im trying to renovate my town so its pretty messy for now haha. Im sorry for the mess.
    oh! yeah i could try, but i do have a lot of orders i have to take, but i might be able to give u some cedars after this trade? how many would u need? i think i have around 30?
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