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  • hey hon I'm interested in buying the pink wetsuit!!! do you still have any available?
    I tried to send you a PM without avail, but I would like to pick up the box of chocos from ya.
    That's okay- if it's not expensive, I'll just order it. We can figure out a trade for something of similar value later. Do you have a link to or list of your catalog somewhere? There's always, and I mean always, something odd that I am looking for.
    Well, I'm looking for a water cooler, hot plate, stew pot, or rice cooker at the moment. Trying to fill out my food items. :)
    Hi there- I'm almost positive that I do. I'll check when the stores open- I'm only online now because of my insomnia. If I have one, I'll order it for you.
    I will be opening my gate in just a second. Please come quickly or my town will be flooded by visitors. It is Mellovia.
    I wud prefer catalog if thats ok, and isnt it 3? Stuffed stocking girls updo and message chair + 20k or an item u like for ur dlcs to keep?
    Sounds good that means my town my riles stay on the sidewalk do not run stay in my screen at all times do NOT touch my flowers failure to folloe these will result in me turning off my game, if u accept these conditions add me and lets trade!:3
    clay furnace,leaf bed, slushie machine, sprout table, mochi pestle, blossom lantern, top. I want thesecan i keep them? No bells required, tocatalog the things u wanted from me, i can add some bells if needed
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