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  • And not to mention it's made from the cutie Fauna :B
    Argh she's so cute. I made her stay because I don't feel like giving her to anyone else at the moment LOL.
    Omg that's so cute! I'm so glad you're enjoying here <3333 eeep. I wish I could enjoy my villagers that much and get really into it haha <3 well you'll have to show me her funny ways of being next time :,) I'm really glad you're enjoying here :DD no problem <333 I'm just glad she actually went to someone who wouldn't sell her :)
    Aw, I just noticed you included me in your signature <3 how cute! That makes me feel so special :,3 how's ankha?
    Hahaha marshal-mallows babies. cute! :>

    ARGH I need my Lily NOWWW. Got to hunt her down.

    I gtg~ My back hurts after sitting infront of laptop for too long. Getting old :'( It's fun catching up with ya!
    The person who made that town has serious obsession with Marshal lollol. I won't make mine like that. But I'll have a secret basement filled with Lily's pictures LOL
    What the.. that Marshal town is creepier than Aika's LOL. I don't want to scare the frog goddess out!
    LOL I'm currently planning it all out.
    Customized green set + frog items + cushion with her face on. A large picture frame of her. Oh man I'm so excited thinking about it LOL. Lily~ come to me~~
    Nah. All he care about is his town map and building pwps. He got Prince as starters and he doesn't even mind him. I'm like "REALLY?!" He said the beard on Prince is funny lol.

    Hahahaha my bad xD If I have Lily I'm gonna make a room dedicated to her. I'll worship her. My frog goddess *v*
    LOL SHHHH. I wonder how many ugly villagers people got it from me via streetpass xD My boyfriend doesn't even know about villagers' popularity. He just take what ever I shove over. I made him took Chief in to save his town from ugly villagers too LOL.

    I just hate him for not giving me Lily. lol. He's hogging her like some kind of frog goddess.
    Lollyyyyy. I gave my boyfriend Lolly just because I'm afraid he will get the ugly villagers that I voided away in my SECRET cycling town. Because Kidd went over to his town via streetpass lol. I'm kinda jealous, Lolly is freaking adorable. >_< and he has Lily too. I hate him D;
    I'm going to have like 3 cats soon in my town hahaha. Thinking of giving away Punchy. He's been a great kitty :)

    Who cares about my secret cycling town anyway LOL.
    I knowww but I need to bring another 3 villagers over. Fang's got to go. His house is in the way D;
    Really?! I'm a dog person. Never knew how does having a real cat feels like. Tom really grew on me though :3

    Haha yes, my main town. I had another Tom in cycling town but I brought my old Tom over instead. xD It feels different you know you know lol.
    Hahahaha as least Roscoe has got love from your sister xD

    Well, if I ever spot Fang at Skye's place or either way, I'm gonna keep him LOL. and yea Tom is that cat. I used to HATE him. He was my starter in my old town. He's rude and I hated him with that ugly BB shirt he's wearing. After I spend time with him.. love grew. LOL. I brought him along together with Stitches to Sunny. They will never ever leave me :B
    LOL Roscoe. I have to search him up. Didn't know he was a dark horse. His eyes.. LOL.

    I had to tell the truth! that tee doesn't even suit her. But she still wore it. This shows about their friendship.. heh heh *winks* Fang hasn't pinged me. I want to find a good home for him since I kinda like him now after spending time with him. He's bff with my hubby Tom xD So I want give the best for him too.

    Hahaha! It's so expensive that it doesn't fit in my cheap home LOL.
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