Recent content by kuribo

  1. kuribo

    Heya everyone! 。(⌒∇⌒。)

  2. kuribo

    Hello from Finland :)

    Thanks! Added oath2order and taiomi. Would add Janna too but I don't see your code.
  3. kuribo

    New major in charge.

    Hello and welcome!
  4. kuribo

    Shampoodle here!

    Hello and welcome! I don't have dream code yet either (still raising funds).
  5. kuribo

    Hello from the UK

    Hello and welcome! :)
  6. kuribo

    Hello from Finland :)

    I've had this account since 2008 but haven't been active here for years now. So maybe it's time to make a new introduction post? Like the title says, I'm a Finnish gamer. Time zone around here is GMT+ 2. I'm a big fan of Nintendo and I also do some gaming on PSVita and PC. Bought New Leaf at...
  7. kuribo

    The legend of Zelda

    I own: Ocarina of Time Wind Waker Twilight Princess and Link to the Past on VC. The Legend of Zelda is one of my favourite game-series and Wind Waker is probably the best. Nintendo should really do something to the series so it feels fresh again, though - as much as I liked TP, it was just too...
  8. kuribo

    Wii Fit

    OMG, I need to buy this sometime, so I can use the board with Wii Music. It's just too expensive, though... :(
  9. kuribo

    Anybody got Wii Music

    I got Wii Music and it's totally awesome. If someone wants to share videos with me, then send your Wii-friendcode via PM. You'll find mine from the sig :)
  10. kuribo

    How Do You Play City Folk?

    Wiimote and Nunchuck. Sometimes, If I'm very lazy or doing something else with my other hand, I play with Wimote only for a while.
  11. kuribo

    Do you have an HDTV?

    That's beacuse Wii isn't really an HD-console :).
  12. kuribo

    Do you have an HDTV?

    I have an 32 inch Samsung and it makes a HUGE difference to my gaming experience. I used an 21 inch CRT TV for years but it started to have too many problems so I had to get a new one...
  13. kuribo

    do you use the wiispeak channel

    I have it and would use it if I had someone to talk to....
  14. kuribo

    oh youve got to be kidding me D:

    Yesterday I got stung twice. Tried to catch them but failed :(.