Koopa K

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  • Ok, I'll be right over. I've traded with 7 people before you so they should've picked up anyone that was in my void, right?
    Hmm well, there were some villagers in it, but I've traded with several people today so I think it should be clear now?
    Hey, I think the other person went offline so I'll just get you your items first, haha! If you have time now, whose town should we trade in?
    Yup, 42 TBT please! I can deliver them! Just give me a few minutes to gather the starts from my rooms in the museum. o3o I'll let you know when I'm ready to come over~
    i'll open my gates right now! come over when you can. :3 i actually do have a few cedars left. i think i have 3 haha. not much but~
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