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  • Thank you for complimenting my vernacular, an eloquently devised speech that which was not spectacular, and as you sit there, looking opaque, not realizing your final mistake.

    *Correct would be more pointed, not pointier."
    Devilish indeed, leverage I think not, your average, mediocre at best, but at least you've gotten better at your rhetoric.
    While *your kudos to Moogle are forever pleasing to hear, it is still your inept ability to know which is where.
    Thunder and lightning aren't so frightening but your spelling will forever have a telling.
    I always get confused by those threads, TBT to IGB, IGB for TBT, whatever combo, sometimes it's confusing, so then I have to find another thread that explains what they want so I know. Also I just happen to click on it right after you commented :3
    I had to! We may be business partners, but we're still rivals ;3 ....as if that makes sense XD

    I will criticize constructively what I please :) Nonetheless I'll most likely love it.
    Yes I have firewood and water melon, and diver's hood. Can I have a red and a orange wetsuit in exchange? Also, would you like to visit Gonzo'r RV?
    Ah if you've got your hands on masks, what I have on hand is firewood and water melon I think. Lemme check my storage. Also I can scan in Gonzo so you can order the jail bars from his van by yourself?
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