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  • JESSSSSSSIII!!! HOW ARE YOU MISSSSSSY!! lol i'm good :D miss ya,never see you on any,pre :(
    Your inbox is full, but I wanted to inform you that Coco's leaving in five days and that I'm willing to TT to her moving date ^^ Lmk when you're avail!
    Okay, so I am currently ready to attempt at this again. Just reply whenever you're available! ^^;

    (Your inbox is full.)
    Your PM was full, I'd like you to help design my town when I sell my turnips and then I will be able to TT Anabelle out :3
    Hey your inbox is full:
    I am on the 15th but I'll be resetting my game for campers, her house isn't there when I load into town so everything should be set :D

    Message me when she moves in for real so I know that she arrived :3
    Hi Jessica :)

    I'm kinda new and I saw your posts on the professional landscapers thread.

    I was wondering if I could hire you? I don't want to reset my town because I love my villagers, but I just don't know what to do with it. I can provide everything you need, and I even have mitzi that I can try to move out if you'd like her.
    I would love her, but I have no room! ;_; Omg I've missed 3 of my dreamies due to this now. Thanks for asking me though, I hope she goes to a good home! :(
    Somebody told me a rumour and it involved her name and I got excited thinking she was moving but nope :-(!
    You can have Tabby as long as you promise to take care of her <3

    Just PM me again on the 14th
    I found someone giving Tabby for you! Go look in the blue bear dreamie thread!
    im really, really sorry! my internet is being a bit weird, so im not gonna be able to do it today! i keep going on and offline D: can we try this tomorrow? >:
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