Recent content by IncuTyph

  1. IncuTyph

    Buying  ~Buying Wishlist Stuff~

    I would like to be able to complete my houses by obtaining the following (in alphabetical format): -Autumn Wall* -Beautiful Statue* (real or fake; either is fine, though I'd prefer fake since it has long hair) -Buffet Server -Cedar Saplings* (x10 should be enough) -Ceramic Hot Pot -Creepy...
  2. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Sounds ok to me. Lemme mark those as reserved for now since I need to take my medication and that will take a few min (ear drops lol)
  3. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Just as a heads up, I deleted everything that has been successfully delivered from the list, so everything that's not bold is free game to claim c:
  4. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Yeah that's fine. Funnily enough, I grabbed mail from my alt town's mayor's mailbox, and actually got a wheat field in one of the letters. I'll transfer it to my main town so you don't need to add another FC lol. Yeah, that's fine c:
  5. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Opening now. Was trying to clean up a little bit lol (sobbu it's still a wreck) After this next trade I'll order it. I'll have to clean out some mail space, but it won't be any trouble. Go ahead and offer whatever for it though.
  6. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Is that the walk-through one? I think I can order that if you really want it >.>
  7. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Yeah. I'm gonna update the thread real quick though to reflect changes. Mine. I'll add you real fast and open gates c:
  8. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Pitch me a price lol
  9. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Heck I don't know. I'll take 30k though. It's fine by me. Since no one else is online, I can go ahead and add you and get it taken care of, if you can.
  10. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Ok, I have quite a bit of free time right now, so I'd be happy to start delivering things to people. I'm gonna add the first few people and PM them (in case they forgot about this thread) and get their stuff ready. -EDIT- I got Norski, DeadJo, selcouth, and cataeu all added. I'll try to start...
  11. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    I'll mark those as claimed, though I don't recall having a sleeping bag? lol Why do you think I have all this stuff in the first place? ;_;
  12. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Ok, I swear this is the last post I'll reply to because I need to sleep lmao Yes to the first three, and someone has claimed the last two items before you posted, BUT I think I have spares of them, so I can check tomorrow and get back to you on those. For now, I'll mark the first three as...
  13. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Sure. I'll mark as claimed real quick. I'll probably head off to bed after that though so anyone else replying won't get responses until I am able to check the thread again. But because of that, first person to claim a thing gets dibs on it.
  14. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    That's fine by me c:
  15. IncuTyph

    Selling Incy's Closet Clean-Out

    Throw me a price man. 99% chance of me being ok with whatever you pitch me lol Also, since the servers seem to be down and all, probably around 8pm PST tomorrow since I have work most of the day and won't be home til 7pm. I'll probably go in the order of who replied first, so I'll let you know...