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  • Haha, I got the same problem for SMTIV as well! 'oTL I haven't played the rest of the main SMT series except maybe others like Digital Devil Saga, Devil Survivor 1 & 2... and a bit of Soul Hacker, if that counts? xD And of course, P3P and Persona 4! Have you played any of these? xD
    Your mailbox is full. 'xD But yeah, not at all, I see that you're a SMT fan as well~ Which games have you played? :3 Also, I have some new pictures in stock. Check out my thread and see if you're interested in any. =p
    Will you be on in the next couple hours? I am just about to do that trade I mentioned... unless you can be available like... really soon XD
    Your mailbox is full :p

    Let me know when you are ready! I am about to do a HUGE trade that may take up to an hour, so trading soon would be preferred. Boyfriend just got in the door so I am going to hear about his day in just a little bit. But I should be ready soon, if you are!
    I'll take 500k.

    Alright. Let me know if you aren't able to catch her online.

    I'll open my gates and just come when you can.
    I have two so it's fine. I just need one. Hmm I'm not sure how much it would go for so just give a good offer.

    If you keep missing her I can buy the items for you since I'm home all day and I'm always around when she opens her shop.
    Doesn't matters, really. It's your call. But yeah, I'm ready. Also, Katie is gone. Got desperate and sent her away with a friend of mine. Sorry.
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