I'm in love

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  • i am sad of what happened last night in my town. you got angry with me and let me guess, you are not my friend anymore.
    I don't really play a lot anymore, and I don't have a keyboard or Wii Speak so I'd be slow replying.
    I might play one day, see what's been happening. I'll invite you over then. (I'd invite you for WW but I lost the cartridge :c) We can still be 3DS friends though, I'll always be playing AC3DS when it comes out. ;)
    Quick questions before I add you.

    1. Do you hack games?

    2. Do you duplicate stuff?

    Rules of my town.

    1. Do not Duplicate without asking.

    2. No Hacking At All!
    Don't care if you hack your own town just don't hack in mine!


    4. Do not cut down my trees or take fruit without permission.

    5. 3 Strike Rule!
    If you disobey any of the rules above 3 times you are out of my town.

    I tend to be offline during the day.
    It is almost 5pm for me right now.
    I tend to get on my ACCF around 7pm.
    Wii-Speak and Keyboard options are used by me.
    I just got my Wii-speak and plan to use it until 10pm everyday.
    After 10pm, I switch Wii-Speak off and go to keyboard mode.
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