Recent content by hkfrith

  1. hkfrith

    Trading Trading 1 million bells for you to visit my town 10 times.

    getting off for the night. will repost this tomorrow.
  2. hkfrith

    Trading Trading 1 million bells for you to visit my town 10 times.

    If anyone is here I'm looking for 3 more people to do ten visits each.
  3. hkfrith

    Trading Trading 1 million bells for you to visit my town 10 times.

    Alright Ellsie I'm adding you now and I'll open my gate. :)
  4. hkfrith

    Trading Trading 1 million bells for you to visit my town 10 times.

    Whoever is still here comment and I will add you. I went to take a shower...sorry!
  5. hkfrith

    Trading Trading 1 million bells for you to visit my town 10 times.

    I will. Just message me or post here then and if no one else is taking a turn I'll let you know. :)
  6. hkfrith

    Trading Trading 1 million bells for you to visit my town 10 times.

    Looking for someone else if anyone can come. Please be willing to do all ten visits quickly and not quit halfway thru because I have limited data.
  7. hkfrith

    Trading Trading 1 million bells for you to visit my town 10 times.

    Nope no one is here right now. I'll add you and open my gate. :)
  8. hkfrith

    Trading Trading 1 million bells for you to visit my town 10 times.

    Alright. Just let me know when youre ready and I'll add you and open my gate.
  9. hkfrith

    Trading Trading 1 million bells for you to visit my town 10 times.

    I would visit yours but unfortunately I'm using the hotspot on my phone for internet so I have a small amount of data to get my visits done with. If you'd still like to do the visits to my town tho, I wouldn't mind giving you the bells. :)
  10. hkfrith

    Trading  Trading 1 million bells for you to visit my town 10 times.

    I am trying to get the train station upgrade in my town. If you would like to take a turn (1 turn = 10 visits) let me know. You can take more than one turn if you like but only in increments of ten. Thanks. :) I am also posting on ACC so there may be someone before you but if there is I will let...
  11. hkfrith

    Buying  Looking to buy Sloppy, Golden, 7/11 and Mermaid sets.

    I can only trade bells. Name your price. If you have extra beds or chairs I will buy those too. Only willing to trade if you have the whole set tho.
  12. hkfrith

    Buying Sloppy Set

    Sorry I went to bed last night when no one was responding. :(
  13. hkfrith

    Buying  Sloppy Set

    Will pay whatever. I need two sets.
  14. hkfrith


    I am ABSOLUTELY only interested in buying them ALL from ONE SELLER. I will not buy them in bits and pieces. Leave a comment and let me know how much you want. :)