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  • Okay, it's fine really! I'm just glad I found out about them not lasting *BEFORE* I sold you some silver axes on false pretenses. I'm sorry for wasting your time! :( Hopefully this misinformation period for AC: NL will be ending soon... I can't keep believing crap on AC guides that obviously hasn't been thoroughly checked before it was written. >_<
    Thanks insaneluzer. I'm really sorry, but as I wanted the silver axe because I thought it lasted *forever* and wouldn't break, I don't want to buy any now, sorry. I really have no interest in the special stumps either, so the axe is of no real use to me now, but thankyou anyway,
    Oh and also, because I figure somebody should let you know: Your inbox for PMs is full! XD I tried to send that last visitor message as a reply to your PM, but it wouldn't let me send it :(
    Hey, I want to give you a heads up: I'm selling the axes for less than that now because some people have been... rather dissatisfied with the functioning of the silver axes. I'll give you two for that price then, if that's okay (why wouldn't it be, right? lol) But yeah, I don't know if you've checked my selling thread already, but it turns out that the silver axes don't last much longer than the regular axes, and I know that's probably the main attraction to them... So yeah, 39k bells for one axe, 75k for two or groups of two is my price now!
    Hi Gemma :D Do you want to connect now or are you busy? x

    Edit - I guess your busy :p I'll be back online later x
    JoJo, I've added you, but I'm about to visit Marcus' town, so maybe after? Oh, and I also want to get a trip to the island in, so I might have to wait 'til tomorrow, if that's ok? x
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