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  • I'm pretty sure they do. Just to save face they have to stick with it.
    Kristen stewart in general is horrible at acting.
    oh god. I tried to finish the series because my friends have. So i started watching Eclipse. halfway through my first thought was "this movie is ridiculous". Ugh i don't like twilight either. Books are good, films blegh.

    That makes sense, i'm not done with vampire diaries though. lol
    The thread notification keeps saying you've posted, but when I click it I don't see a new post...? Were you ready to come over? :)
    I actually didnt know how to quit the session, so i did the wrong thing and 3 flowers are still here, so can you come back? I'm so sorry ^^'
    I'm sorry :(
    I'm not to sad about Julian, yeah he's great and all but I had him and eventually he would have gone anyhow. He's not really my style. I like cats and deers :3
    Accidentally voided Julian from my main town....whoops
    Oh well, I planned to replace him anyway. I want Bruce to take his place
    I kinda want that game. I have too many games I still haven't beat though lol like the new Zelda game and fire emblem
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