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  • I can actually give it to you! I have a mummy shirt I can order. :) It'll be a bit since we'll need to wait for her to move out, but she's all yours! Are you looking for any other villager in particular? I've got all the ones I want listed, so if I have one of the ones you're looking for move in, I can hold them for you! :D
    Yup! She's only missing a few things from her house which she has not replaced (so she doesn't have any random furniture around) and her shirt has changed. Otherwise, completely original. :)
    Where did you even find that goat pic??? OMG I am going to laugh that all night!!! xD
    Thank you again so much for offering to buy Rudy for me ;________; You are TOO KIND!!! <3
    Hi: you are an amazingly awesome person, you know that? Thanks for helping P e o n y out. No worries about the 50. ^^ It's on me. btw I made a note of all the villagers you are seeking - will def PM you immediately when I see them!
    I'll do my best to get Julian to move out too! He is pretty new, got him a few weeks ago, but I will TT to get him to ping!
    Haha :> I'll TT her out for you. Would you mind letting me know when she shows up tomorrow? :>
    Awesome! Are you available now? I've added you! Lemme know and I will open my gates :>
    Okay, I'll let you know! I don't have a golden axe, but I can get the blue flowers and probably cycle Blaire into boxes. :) Thanks so much!
    Oh, thanks for letting me know! I'd love to have him! Would you like bells for him? :) Also, what's your timezone? I'm EST and I noticed you posted when I was at school, so I don't want you to have to go out of your way to try and get him to me if our schedules don't align.
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