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  • Can I just check are we still friends? I cleared out my friends list as it got full and I'm not sure ifI removed you, sorry to be a trouble!! ):
    Alrighty! Gates are open! Just wait until I'm done with Velo, then you can follow me and I'll show you where to pickup your bells! :3
    Hey there, buniichu won the 10 million bell giveaway, BUT everyone else won a consolation prize of one million bells <3 Let me know when you're available to get those from me~
    Pick up will be easier for me! I have another winner coming over as well so just drop in as soon as you see Latuda's gate!
    Sorry about that, I was actually in bed by the time you sent this message. I'll be available again today from 9am-11:30am and then probably after work 7pm-9pm CST if I get out on time~
    Hey there, LunarMako won the 10 million bell giveaway, BUT everyone else won a consolation prize of 2 million bells <3 Let me know when you're available to get those from me~
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