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  • Sorry I missed you yesterday. I was online then but signed off when no one I needed to see was here. I was busy either eating or cleaning the kitchen at the time of your post. I will be online again in about 5.5 hours.
    CitrusCakes - Order ready
    Alpine Chairs 2000 x4 = 8000
    Manor Wall 1052
    Neutral Floor 1200 = 10252 + fee = 15,000 (6)
    No problem. Ill open my gates in a few. Those are wrapped ill put them beside the orange lilies.
    Hi! Ill be available to do trades in an hour. I'm sorry! Im cycling right now. >.<
    Okay so, the other person had a thing going on and I don't know if they'd mind someone else picking up where they left off, so I'll show you where to start

    I have a bunch of flowers down in the main part of my town (I'll call it the central for convenience) that you can use, and some golden flowers in a smaller section off to the right
    Now, any flower that isn't black/white/golden/orange, don't worry about c:
    You can place them in any order that you like as long as it looks neat, and that two flowers of the same type arent next to each other. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask :D
    Sure yes, you can come too!
    I'll add you and open my gates as soon as the other person has come, theres someone who comes to my town and steals so I have to close the gate first
    cushion 800
    holiday candle 4890
    festive dress 680 = 6370 + fee = 7000 Bells
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