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  • Ahh, sorry I never responded to your VM, got really busy with RL stuff. >.<

    I'm really hoping Happy Home Designers turns out to be a decent game & worth the money. It's hard not to judge based on what we've seen but at the same time there must be more to it than that to be a full-priced game. O.O Rating other people's works would be an awesome touch! They could incorporate StreetPass into that as well.

    They haven't announced the New 3DSXL model for NA yet - I'm hoping they will at E3! I'm assuming if they did, it would be the same design, but you never know!
    Kain said to message you about the villafer cycling because I was interested in Shep. Is he still available, and do you even know what im talking about? XD
    Thanks for letting me know, I had no idea that it was full!! Just now I cleared out a ton of old messages so it should be open again
    i have completed your signature and posted it in the thread!
    lmk if i need to fix anything! enjoy <3
    Its all good, just let me know when you're available~ I got summer school tomorrow @ 10, so I'll be getting to bed earlier tonight (12-1 am probs)
    Ok, I'll come back tomorrow sometime to pick everything up. If you can, don't let anyone come to your town to cycle until after I get my items? I really appreciate it! ;)
    I got everything set~ I can come and drop off the stuff right now and just pm or vm me later whenever we can trade it back. I'll be checking every so often
    From what I counted you seem to have 11 signatures, Not sure if one of them was free, but for sure 11 UNLESS other wise told again :D . btw including the one im making you now. so the 12th will be another badge ty!
    Oh no! That sucks. :( From what I've seen, that sounds like all you do. Add on the cost of the amiibo cards to that as well. I watched a bit of the Japanese Direct and the game comes pre-loaded onto the New 3DSXL, but who knows, maybe they won't do that if/when they port it overseas? I can only dream, aha.
    That would be handy! Slow text is the worst, especially when it's stuff you've already read 10+ times. :( Aha congrats! I really hope they announce some different elements for it or something, because it doesn't seem worth the price tag at this point. :( If only you could buy the New 3DSXL without the game.
    I'm not a stickler for limited edition things either. I have the midnight purple 3DS as well. :3 I've just been waiting for a nice colour to come out so I can update mine, and this fits the bill LOL. I don't know, my friend has the AC one, but I've never really been a fan either. It felt kind of... generic, I guess? Like it had a few things from the game but nothing really detailed, if that makes sense. :p Holy cow, 50M just for getting it, that's crazy! It's being release in Japan on July 30th, but they've only said Fall 2015 for other regions so far.
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